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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Albatross Free!

Sometimes late at night, I feel so free, my wish is, for all, to feel and see! I shout out to the world thankfully!!! I began this post with two words, me and you. The rest wrote itself non-stop, then I titled it, Albatross Free. Why? Felt so right! Those two words jumped out at me! A gift to you... No fear of properness, on this day, no way, no how!

Me, you, computers, wires, satellites, words = sentences = paragraphs = stories = internet = blogs = Glen View = fun for me. Hopefully a laugh. THAT! be my goal... a moment every day... where WE are connected... in spirit... souls meeting, for a purpose... to see what be... on Glen View today... old Glen tosses... away the boundries... be gone... letting IMAGINATION...  roam free... not confined by the chains, that has kept him down... you see... the old fart... wants to voice... what be in his mind... release the emotions, opinions, silliness, for the world to see... too much of everyday worries... an old man gives all... wishing all... to be free... fly with me... take the winds... spread our wings... Royal Albatross free... please join me... OUR imaginations set free... WE fly beyond all boundries... WE fly as ONE... naked of time, space, worries... if only for a few moments... all can be FREE... sail the winds... WE trade hearts... you see... color doesn't matter... purity of souls... outweighs, all... hearts are One... no wars... no hatred... if WE can laugh TOGETHER... love TOGETHER... enjoy silliness, simplicity, babies, rainbow's puppy dogs, then WHY? oh WHY? can't WE see all... see eye to eye????

1 comment:

  1. I found this short post very beautifully written, from the heart. I can almost see you flying free like a bird Glen. Writing IS very liberating, especially when we place no boundaries on ourselves. When we write freely, without worrying about being all "proper" as you say. It frees, the mind, frees the soul and let's our readers see who we are. So glad you "fly" free each day. I so enjoy your blogs :-)
