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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

TiT BiT Time "Away We Go"

It's late or early depending, just warming up. Planning something out, has little fun for me. I have several short stories in mind and parts of which are already done. But what I enjoy the most is not having a recipe, add this and a little that, why? well that has always been my style. My favorite vacations were not planned. Spur of the moment excitement or spur of the moment enjoyments can't be planned. Simple enjoyment of all moments are available IF we're looking.

I have the fewest channels available from the cable company,why? I use to have the standard package I've had since 1987. It's not that the price kept going up, its that there never seem to be anything on when I watched! Why? Hell I don't know "WHY" seems there was nothing on that held my interest!

Why? well let's just guesstimate, (is that a real word, it doesn't matter here on the Glen View). It can't be my lack of imagination, anybody that has read much  on the Glen View Sanitarium Blog certainly knows that! I have been holding me imagination on a short rope until a few days ago. I might just show you my nuts, oopsey I mean show you how nutso I am. I have been diagnosed with so many psychiatric disorders they stopped trying to label me. They just use them popular initials, F. N.,you can figure it out!

I just took my nightly meds and you know what that means boys and girls of the net... It's plum #%&*ing looney time. If you're real lucky and read carefully you will see me go from the average nut that you see at your neighborhood convenience store. Hold my horsey just one momento...WHY do they call them CONVENIENT stores? I feel the need for a lit-tle his-to-ry lesion (yes I meant le-sion, not lesson) I'mma trying to teach reality not @#%&*ing fiction the way you think it is. Ain't nothing "baby" the way you think it is and Big Daddy Glen is-a gonna set you free, can I get a halleujah! brothers and sisters. Amen I'm feeling the power of the pharma induced insanity to hold hands with Mr. Insanity himself!

There use to be small handy stores just down the corner from everywhere, they called them Mom and Pop stores. They were in addition to regular supermarkets, not SUPER @#%*ing GIGANTUM STORES FROM HELL. Nothing is convenient today...AMEN... Go inside to pay for your one gallon of gas purchase in your hyper oopsey (hybrid) carmobile. There will always be five people in line all with just a one gallon BIG GULP, am I right brothers and sisters, woo I'm feeling reeaall good tonight!

Back to the bOOby tube. I used to watch one show regularly Breaking Bad. Nothing else held my brain alive. I did come across a infomercial, what in tarnation is that all about. I could not will my hand to change channels or turn the damn television off. A thirty manure commercial whoo-wee I was in redneck heaven, knives of all sizes and shapes, one fer each pocket and for your date on Saturday night there was these damn #$%*ing Ninja Swords. Wear that sucker on your belt and see how many women flock to you. The bigger the better ya reckon... Well that's what I've always heard anyhow!

Howdy I'm seeing butterflies on my screen and it ain't my new screen saver!

I visited my Doc today and he were in shock. I feel real good and am happy but he weren't happy at all. Blood pressure high, weight up. I don't understand why he was upset, if I was healthy I would never get to see him. Just think how much money he can make if I'm a regular sheesh it's hell if I don't and hell if I do! I was in the hospital for a tune up and oil change and I don't want no more tune-ups. Yikes even with insurance I am still paying out the wazooo. I'm somewhat confused all the people I see at the Doctor's office seem sickly, are they getting sick from visiting the Doc or are they sick before they start regular Doc visits, just pondering the possibilities. Since I have had a regular M. D I have gained weight and become sickly. I was a healthy young man until someone advised me to get a regular Doc in case I should ever need one. I wished I had never got one now that I have one foot inside the Mortuary and have been thinking about what kind of casket I want to drive around down there. Oh well we got to give them drug manufacturers money so they can keep ahead of the illegal drug manufacturers or are they owned by the same gun carrying and KILLING mafia. It's so easy to get confused anymore the lines are all blurry and I don't think it is from getting old and senile and needing new glasses, huh! uh!

I'm having soo much fun and the keys are becoming blurry, I think I'll take a double dose of my meds and see where I go. Please hold, I'm going to put you on pause for a moment...................................................
I'm back and I can't believe your still there hahahahahahahaha!

I look over at my doggie and he looks as GOOFY as I feel, but hell I feel like a drunk that has been stopped by the poo-lease and the poo-lease asks the drunk with 12 empty beer cans on the floor board of his Dodge Magnum Ram Pickup, "have you been drink-in tonight booy"? Mr. Ram says as he lets out a beer belch "no ossifer, they, they, they we're there when, when, whennn, I boouugghhtt the ttrruucckk"...... The nice poo-lease ossifer thought it were soo #%&*ing funny, he takes Glen Bob Ray Earl Mcgiver a ride home. Really it was his brother...

I'm gonna try to write somthun seialous if I can only think of somthun... Ahzoo, ahzoo, ahzoo! Sorry I took a nap. Serious, seriously, Newt Gingrich for president! Didn't he marry a younger woman, I bet he is soo fuull of that drug that makes even an old putter breathe new life.

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