I think I may have touched upon this before and I choose to do once again. I have been off work for over a week, "old man medical shit!" You see! A lifetime of not taking care of my body properly, I reckon! I have never used alcohol, very much, nor smoked. At least I did that right! I reckon! I do love soft drinks and sweets, that be my down fall!
As I write this I begin thinking back to the simple foods I was raised on. ( That be funny, if only to me growing up in corn country In. Here corn grows as high as a Sasquatch, u-know, that big hairy thing! ) We didn't know what fast food was back then, there was not one fast food restaurant, that's hard to believe, even to me as I think back while typing this! ) Sweets occasionally. So salt and whatever the hell all this shit is, if you take the time to read the label on all can goods! I'll betcha there is more, they don't bother to list! It WAS NOT, going into my body as a young pup, nope, nope, nope!!!
When the interstate highway came to town or rather by town, fast food places began popping up like Automotive Service Stations in the fifties, seems every corner by now! Matter of fact a lot of them, fast food heart attack stations are where them service station once stood. The juicest locations! ( ha ha ) We go from a man in a uniform putting gas in your car, cleaning the windsield, checking the oil and the tires, to a big gulp, ( sodie pop ) big half pound hamburger deluxe, to gigantula fries. What ya reckon naturally comes next? TO big touble in the chest! Now we have men in white coats and a clipboard to men in surgical scrubs and little sterile hats!
Oh my! We have progressed from a small sevice station on the corner, TO BIG HOSPITAL THAT REACHES TO THE SKY!!! Aw! P-r-o-g-r-e-s-s ain't it GRAND! My! Oh my!
I wonder why any of that "keep ya" fluid is put into our veins after we die? The average person probably has so much preservatives the morticians doesn't have to pump embalming fluid into our COLD DEAD bodies. (Why the hell did they ever start that to start with, just put us in the ground and let mother nature take it's course, or cremate us another natural way! ( The answer be "natural." ) Why because THERE'S TOO MUCH $$MONEY$$ TO BE MADE even after our spirit has left the body, ain't that a crying shame!!!) I'll bet they have a test kit they use. Glen Bob McDoodle (Me) has so much of the highly toxic man made toxins in him from can foods, water, the air we breathe and them Super Duper Medicines we can use him as fuel to cremate half a dozen! Who-wee we have us a big ass block of that self-igniting charcoal! Its a wonder he didn't get too close to the fire when he was having a wienie roast he would spontaneous combust!
ALERT!!! Somethun (meant to) just popped into me head and if I don't write it, right now! It'll be gone so keep your breeches on and don't get your panties in a bind ( Sorry! Had to have me a little fun with you! ) I've heard a lot of talk and read about what is referred to as CHEM-TRAILS sprayed regularly in some parts of the country, actually countries! Have you out there heard about this? If so I reckon they ain't spraying for mosquitoes, ARE THEY? ( Although I have known a lot of humans annoying as mosquitoes! )
Back to my original rambling. The foods I ate growing up were the types of foods that today would be labeled not good for you. ( Humm very interesting. ) Inexpensive foods that would fill the bellies of several children and always have food to eat, like potatoes, pasta. (Um! um! good I still love mac and cheese to this day, I could eat mac and cheese with anything! ) We canned fresh vegetables, used lard and real butter. Ground beef ( I'll bet the ground beef of 50 years ago has no resemblance of today's ground beef! ) Chicken and dumplings for Sunday dinner, using real brooth not salt loaded heart attack in a can! ( Have you seen how much salt is in that can brooth, my old ticker is squeaking and about to come to a halt, just thinking about it! )
As always, thanks for stopping by my humble site I call Glen View, goodnight my friends of the planet and about to be galaxy! Ah,ha,ha,ha,ha, one more HA!
Interesting that you wrote this. My daughter and I were talking the other day about all the "crap" that people consume in the name of "food". We kind of laughed about all the Kool-Aid and Little Debbie's they ate when they were kids. Not to mention the processed food. We did have a garden so they got a lot of fresh vegetables, but they had their share of "junk" too. I too remember the days when there was one fast food restaurant in my town in Indiana. Then there were two, then three.......well you know the story.
ReplyDeleteI have recently started eating only fresh food, organic when possible. I have cut out all processed foods and no soft drinks and very little bread. I have already lost 11 pounds since the first of the year. I feel much better too, more energy.
As for chemtrails, yes I have been reading about that for a few years now and I have to agree with you. I think maybe we are the "skeeters" they are trying to kill off !!!
I know what you mean about falling back into the bad habits (regarding your comment on my page). That is what usually happens to me when I try to change my eating habits, but this time I have been pretty good. I read an article today about how bad sodas are for us. If I can find it, I will give you a link to the page. That was not my downfall though. Mine is things like potato chips or crackers. Anything salty and crunchy...... I just don't buy it now so I won't be tempted :-)