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Sunday, December 1, 2013


One of my favorite things to do, or rather, used to do, is play word games. This word has been on my mind for several days. Why? Hell . . . I don't know! That's just the way it is! There's not any control to this here noggin, (slang for mind) and a that's the way I like it. I only hope you do to?

You know, what I hate? Well . . . there be . . . MANY things! )

Those of you that have read some of my meandering shenanigans, probably know one or two, or twenty-nine!)


ALERT!!!  Since I've been telling you about the weather in me neck of the heartland, I feels compelled, to tell ya, a heat wave has taken over. It's 34 degrees at 3 a. m. I have come to a much unorthodox conclusion, that after consumption of all the Thanksgiving dinners 'round here. That gas from the sometimes thankful end.. . .

(Come on pleeaassee . . . tell me you got that, I be fart-full as I type this post tonight.)
((Ahh! Ha! ha! ha! I be loaded for bear tonight. Only I be loaded with somethun. uther, than bear! It be hot air, gas!))


"INSIDIOUS" (There's something about that word that's insidious!) HEY, YOU WANNA, HEAR
SOMETHIN SPOOKY? (I certainly do hope so, since I plan on typin' some more of my zaniness!) I must prepare you for either spookiness, or senility, as compared to Alzheimer, wisenheimer syndrome. There be somethun a mite strange, 'bout this whole . . . thing, besides the person, on this here keyboard!)
((You don't think me, a mite strange, do ya? Causin', I be the lessus, strange, purson, I come, into, contact with, in the corpse (Yes, yes, yes, it shoulda, coulda, been, COURSE of the day! Some a the ones I see, make a me, think zombies!!! so ya see, where I got corpse! Damn it! Can you not, follow me simple, simple-dumbass lingo?) I'm afraid you do . . . understand, what I'm a talkin', 'bout!!! Ain't I a delight sometimes, OR . . . a, just plum crazy? You make the call!!!

WE LACKEYS OF THE WORLD ARE GOING TO SURVIVE! ( Sorry that was a brain fart!)

I plum fergot, what the wurd wassa, I wassa, gonna, c-l-a-r-f-y, fer ya! Oh yeah! now I 'member, insider trading. No doesn't have quite the ring, to it. Although it does seem a-probably right!

Insidious . . . (I forgot to mention the ah-ooh, part. That means, weird! There was a place marked on my REAL, you remember books, don't you, only this book is called, Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition. Must-a, screwed up the first two editions. ya reckon? Yep, just as I thought! It keeps being updated, re-copyrighted, 'cause there are many new printings, and there is one BIG THING that caught my eye. It explains why I can't write . . . right . . . ya know! This be the Webster's New World Dictionary Of, A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N . . . English.)
((Damn . . how I go on, sometimes! Good thing that everybody doesn't have a noggin like mine! I was gonna say, before me mind got in me way! Ya see, I can be thinkin', too many frickin' things, at the same time, and me fingers can't translate. Wow!!! That's the best excuse I've come up with yet!!!  This ain't SOUL WRITING, it's CONFUSED WRITING!
(((Back to the ah-ooh, part. There's a marker in my Dick Dictionary on page 699, the 7'th word down is . . . "Insidious". Now, as you can see, I don'ta use me dictionary MUCH! I just looove to play with them. You've never noticed! """Well Bless Your Hearts!""" Gosh darn it! I ainna never gonna get this here friggin' post ready to post!!! Get this . . . my marker is a Band-Aid! I come prepared in case of a paper cut.)))

Let me try once more! INSIDIOUS. Characterize by treachery or slyness; wily, OR operating in a slow or not easily apparent manner; more dangerous than seems evident.  [ad insidious disease] OKAY!!!

I do like that word "Wily" I'm going to look that up in my A-m-e-r-i-c-a-n  English what-cha-ma-call-it thing a ma boob!!!!!!!

WILY means full of wiles???? Well what the fick is wiles?  DAMN! damn! damn I've said it before and I'll say it again, "you look one figgin word up, and it gives you a variation of that word, now . . . you must look up another word. No wonder it's called A-m-e-r-i-c-a-n English!!!

Wile #1, a sly trick; deceitful artifice; stratagem.
#2, a beguiling or coquettish trick.
#3, craftiness; guile-- to beguile; lure-- trick--WILE AWAY, to while (time, etc); by CONFUSION WITH WHILE..... What the  (((((@$%^ ))) is going on here??????????

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