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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ya, Know!

Playing with ya. Where do you think old Glen gonna go with these two words? Yer right, even I don't know, ya, know. Actually for once in a blue moon I do, "believe it or not!" The most important part in this equation is if, I don't write it quick, I'll forget what I was going to write. Never fear for 'ol Glen though, a little something will pop up.

Just like them pop up turkeys ya know? If ya don't know how long a turkey should be cooked, or don't have enough sense to know what a thermometer is, then MAYBE ya should not be using the oven except for . . . never mind . . . that won't work unless you have a gas oven will it? (ah, ha, ha, ha!)

YA, KNOW what my favorite thing to write about here on GlenView, other than whatever be coming out of my mind at that moment. That seems a mite confusing or contradictory doesn't it? Well You'll have to excuuuse me, I have been reading and posting Crime And Punishment, if you think I'm silly/strange/@$*%ed up read this book. This Raskolnikov feller makes me look NORMAL! That Dostoevsky fella intentionally be trying to fuck with our heads, because his was, was, was STRANGE! (That's most likely why I fell in love with his book!)

Okay! okay! okay! YA, KNOW what I find totally refreshing, fun, freaky, goofy, I just love to do? Is play around with words and their meanings, always have since I was a little tater-tot. (Oh-shit why did I say that tater-tot?) I'll leave ya hanging with that, but it be the obvious thing.

I have no words on my mind at this moment to play with other than what you be reading and believe me when I say "I loove to toy with yer brain!"

I'll use an example, in the first sentence of Crime And Punishment, Bantam Classic version the word garret is used in this sentence. "On an exceptionally hot evening early in July a young man came out of the garret in which he lodged in."

So it's where he lives, obviously . . . but . . . what is a garret? I've heard the name Garret and there was Pat Garret and Billy the Kid, but what be a garret in a lodging house?

The next paragraph tries explaining this part of a house in more detail.

"His garret was under the roof of a high, five-storied house, and was more like a cupboard than a room."

So sounds like he's coming out his door/garret and his room was full of food. He sleeps where the food is stored. Seems logical to me! Still seems I'm missing something here.

He comes out the door and lives in the cupboard and the cupboard is up high, where the fat people can't go!

Damn! Damn! Damn!!! Somethings not clicking here!

Also another sentence, further explains for me.

"The land-lady, who provided him with garret, dinners and attendance."

Can ya see the quandary I be in? A garret is it a door, a cupboard, or sexual favors from his land-lady, huuum? After all garret sounds like something nice, if she provides him with dinner and attendance. Are you seeing a wee bit of confusing here on the first sentence, first page of a book that goes to 472 pages. What is 'ol Glen gonna do?

Well after much pondering and confusion, I look up garret.

GARRET is the space just below the roof of a house, esp. a sloping roof; attic.

Now I'm mad, why didn't he just say attic, rather than using E.S.P. expecting me to read his mind! I darn near give up on the first page. It's a good thing I have some stick-to-it-tive-ness.

1 comment:

  1. Ya know..... I have thoughts all day long about what I am going to write about, but I can't stop to write with the grandbaby here and by the time I get a chance to write, I have forgotten all those creative and profound thoughts I had earlier so that is why 9 times out of 10 you get a lot of nonsense from me.
