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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ol' Roy, Taco, and Simplicity!!!

I'm watching an old Roy Rogers movie on my antenna tv. Yep, you heard right, sorry!, read right, Roy Rogers, made in 1960, he was king of the cowboys way back then, riding his horse Trigger, sure was a heap of fun watching his movies as a child. Sure is fun too reminisce and feel young at heart, if only for a short time. I'm not saying things were better back then, simpler yes! Did not take much to entertain a poor boy, who's imagination runneth freely.

My biggest entertainment now, is my dog Taco, and arguing with my wife, which I never win! Rambo my 4 pound Yorkie now lives with my sister in-law. She's crazy about him, they get along real good, She never had a dog before, his new name is Pee Wee, imagine that.

Rambo, now Pee Wee was so little, I'm not used to having such a delicate type dog, I was afraid I might hurt him, as I am a big guy and sometimes don't move freely, so I truly believe it was meant to be, she absolutely adores him. She bought him a booster seat, for her car, so he can see real good when their going places, oh by the way she took him to the Vet. and he weighs 3.6 pounds and perfectly healthy. What a dog! What a dog!

I love my dog Taco, a Chihuahua, when you spend a lot of time with him as I do, he gets to know you, and you them, it is unreal sometimes. At this very moment he's sleeping on a blanket
beside my desk. He does not allow me to get out of his sight. He is right pretty, 18 month old barrel of fun! He never walks, he has a got to get there quickly. He's full of himself with every strut and wiggle. I've made him my hearing ear dog, since I be several decibels short in that arena. I just love to watch him, he has the color and markings of a Doberman Pinscher but smaller than a Mini-Pin. Taco spends his day near me or on my lap. He loves chasing flies, fascinated by the chase and so am I.

I'm watching this Roy Rogers movie, simple, where the good guys always win. Predictable, you could not get a child to watch this, no way, no shape, no how. Not enough to hold their attention. Sure there is guns but you'll never see blood, no bloodbaths from automatic weapons.

Where has the simplicity gone from our lives? I use to go fishing to get away from it all. Find a spot away from any signs of man and just chill out. Never caught much, that was not the point. Sure it was nice to catch a few, it was about relaxing.

Today's ways are not meant to be simple. Stress seems to be a major factor in everything and thought as normal. It is not meant to be normal. I happen to be lucky and have little stress anymore. I certainly remember the side effects of stress, should of killed me, but damn, here I am baby!!! Still alive and kicking although not near as strong.

Makes me wonder, does anybody enjoy simple things any more? What is simple in the modern world? That I know nothing about and don't wanna!

My world is about as simple as it can be, still some situations I become involved in, overwhelm me,  too complicated for the simple process it should be! One must have patience, in this modern world, I don't! My lifetime of patience withered away, one synapse at a time. Once I was a mighty tree, ready to take on the world. I'm now splintered, frayed, cut down to the stump with my branches lying beside me, too much, just too much!


  1. Your little dog sounds like a lot of fun. I have a chihuahua terrier mix and her favorite activity is to chase lizards out in the back yard. She is getting up in years, but when she is outside, she runs around like a little puppy !

    Yes, the world is not the same as it was back when we were coming up. And not all "progress" is good either. I personally enjoy the simple things in life. I can't imagine it any other way.

  2. By the way, I enjoyed this blog. It is always a highlight of my day when I see you have posted something new.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, you know truthfully, if it wasn't for simple pleasures like Taco, and so many other things we tend to overlook, I'd be happy to hang up my keys to life itself!
