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Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Robin, and A Rambling

It's beginning to look like spring time. Yip-pee-i-a pards! About 10 days ago I looked out the kitchen window about 9 AM and there was my first Robin of the season. He were a fat fella so finding food during the long winter kept him or her beautifully plump. The high temperature that day was 70 degrees, just like the Robin I was outside in the warm sunshine burning the winter's doldrums away. Um, um, um better than a orgasm.

(I'm gonna leave that in. From this day forward I'mma, gonna, leave in whatever, plops into me head.) (((like plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is. No, no, no,no! me wittle mind goes around searching for a spot to land on, like Wheel of Fortune. Is that show still on?)))


February typically is a bad month for me. I;m ready for sunshine and southern winds to blow away the coat of winter. Sunshine on me body makes me happy. A little car ride with my two dogs, Taco and Rambo, a Chihuahua and Yorkie. (Which one do you think is the Chihuahua?)

It's now March perhaps the gloom and doom will exorcise itself with the sunshine and longer days. Damn I hope so!

Having a rough time finishing any post I start. I have a dozen or so started, I write a sentence or two and then nothing. I do suppose since I have been retired for over three years, my brain thinks it can also. Keeping your mind active is very important as you age, per the old folks magazines I read.

I don't know why growing old is so bad? Wonder medications for any ailment in this modern age, right? Well... why the fuck can;t I get some. Back and shoulders hurt all the time, from a lifetime of physical work and youthful stupidity! You know what I'm saying!

Is that phrase still used? My younger brother used to say that all the time.I just hated it! I found myself using it, man did I have a rough time breaking free of it.

That's interesting different generations have their own words popular phrases, especially since the texting outbreak of the more modern era.

My mind just went down, I hate when that happens! my dog is in the chair sleeping beside me he's little help. Can't tap into his brain, I wish I could. That would really be something. Animal Planet said, "dogs have the mental capacity of a two year old." I can tell you from experience of many different dogs a few were smarter and some a lot dumber.

I'm going to plug away searching for wisdom, which will never come or my Yorkshire Terrier would take over.

My smartest dog was an Australian Cattle Dog. My wife named her Aussie Blue, I named her Punky. I suppose I could of called her Blue but Punk seemed to fit her personality.

Every dog has their own personality. My Yorkie took some time training me. Ha-ha! He weighs in at 5 lbs, soaking wet, with a full belly and bladder. I made the mistake of taking him for a ride one time and he was hooked. Now that I think about it, I gave him a bite of my cheeseburger, a ride and a  cheeseburger. He was too little to see out, so I made a box to bring him up. Man did I create a monster! He never leaves my side willingly! My wife calls him my tumor. He's actually her dog, but I think he sensed that I needed more help than her, plus she does not take him for a ride. He's a healthy little dog and a good burglar alarm.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Crying Shame!

My heart bleeds again. I'm devastated by the horrendous news in Florida. Senseless killings of  children. How do you stop such madness? Can it be stopped? My first instinct is no. Craziness, hatred, been around forever.

Get rid of the guns, that'll stop it. I wish it's that simple.

Put trained professionals in all schools. Train teachers in the use of firearms, allowing them to carry. Metal detectors at all entrances. For that matter, that goes for churches, anywhere more than a few people gather, require armed protectors.

What is wrong with individuals that would even think about mass murder. I cannot grasp such insanity.

Cable news will run this story and have guest explaining why. Won't solve a thing.

Politicians have the solution just listen they'll tell you so. Look at what they have accomplished by stopping the drug epidemic. Illegal aliens stopped, right? What have the mighty politicians leading our nation accomplished. Talk is cheap and all the hot air blowing should keep Washington weather permanently hot!

So are these shooters mentally unstable? Well yeah!!! Do we take all mentally unstable people and place them in mental institutions? Why not, if their on medications why not, let the medicine manufacturers pay.

Tax the gun manufacturers, make them pay for the damages their guns cause.

Games that kids play shooting the bad guys, showing blood, then do it over and over. It's not real, over and over, again and again.

I grew up after WWII, war movies play everywhere. Westerns, killing the bad guys, the Indians, hanging cattle rustlers.

All the men in my family had shotguns for hunting, a fun hobby apparently. I never understood it but gained a healthy respect and understanding for a firearm,

When did these school shootings start, I've forgotten. There was no such thing in my generation, so what are the causes?

Everybody probably has an opinion and all are probably right. There are countless causes. I suspect there lies children that simply fall through the cracks.

There was once mental institutions in my state. I remember reading years ago where it was too costly to maintain them the way they have been since their beginnings. So many smaller private mental health homes/halfway house facilities became the norm. With modern medicines, a new era dawns curing enough to be a productive member of society. Seems their saying, per my interpretation is "give them the new meds, let them do the job and get them a job and earn their keep."

I do remember when Prozac was all the rage in the Psychiatry profession. Zoloft and Paxil are also the same medicine, if I understand correctly. Different Pharmas had to have their versions I suppose. Anyway I believe the Drug Manufacturers went crazy trying to come up the next big miracle drug to boost the bottom line. Perhaps this ushered in a new wave of  making billions and curing all problems with a pill.

Can mighty pills cure all? Well many leaks seem to spring from the avalanche of modern cures. Anti-depressants are not for everybody, side effects for some are life threatening as in suicide. So much controversy follow these types of medications.

I don't have the answer, no one does. I suppose I'm just venting my frustrations like most of us.

Countless reasons for the mess we find ourselves in in this tortured world.

Drugs both legal and illegal tear families apart.

Our leaders cannot solve anything. Bickering at the Washington level is so saddening, so childlike.

 The two parties fight and we the American people pay the price, in money and lives.


Monday, February 12, 2018


Well . . . hello . . . there, it's been awhile it seems. I'm alive, alive, he lives. Some days better than others. Old Frankenstien movie, dialogue popped into my mind. "Don't mind do you?" I'm quite happy to get my mind working. It's been dormant for a spell now, I wish to resurrect it and blow them there darn cobwebs out. Get along spiders take your webs and visit someone else. This winter has been hard on me, damn! I want warm weather, sunshine, caress my body, umm-huh, give me, give me!

Now that I have that out-ta me system, perhaps I'll write a little somethun, somethun, in my own way, misspellings and everythang. Don't mind do ya? What shall I talk bout? I shoulda thought of that before I started hey? Nah, no fun in that!

"So Glen, hows the world been treating you?"

Well I'm certainly glad you asked that question since I have been out of commission fer quite a spell. Years go by faster than, than, you know.

"What is your typical day like Glen?"

Another fine question. Let me think, you know that's the hardest thing I do all day. It don't come easy like it use to. Let me elaborate on that. When I was a man of the world, doing worldly ways, you know a-workin fer the man. Taking care of the necessities of daily living. I always had something on my mind, always thinkin', mind going fast depending on the amount of sugar and caffeine. Now I'm talkin' sodie pop, not these lightning bolts in a can that the young-ins drink today. Well it's not just the younger generation a lot are addicted to the more caffeine the better.

I get up when I wanna, sleep when I wanna, eat when I wanna, do what I wanna when I wanna. Sounds thrilling but its not. Boring! Limited by physical limitations, it's not what you think! Don't go anywhere unless I have to, no longer like to drive, don't care to be around people, seems being out and about is a pain the the ass.

I have type 2 diabetes, I take glimipride and metformin for this plus try and watch what I eat. (I watch it go from my plate, my fork into my mouth.) My Doctor kept upping my meds, well now, I happened to notice something in my bowel movement.

"Okay, okay, okay, where is this shit heading?"

That be the most important part. Somethun coming out that ainna, suppose to come out. I have been taking metformin for a few years. Seems my sugar levels have risen since  I stopped working. Two white pills shining through the brown turds.

"Say what?"

I thought that's not possible, just a coincidence. So now I must view my bowel movement every time. I am addicted to looking in the crapper at my crap to see if white pills are shining through. Yep seems There not dissolving, mighty interesting. I cut the pills in half, now I have four undissolved pills. What a conundrum, I must say. So I explain this to my Doctor, he said "talk to your Pharmacist."

I thought about this here predicament I be in. I crush my two pills up, low and behold my sugar level comes down drastically. I talk to my pharmacist, first thing he asked, "are you on time release metformin?" I did not know. Seems I was and the pills I have been taking for several years was doing me about as much good as sugar pills.

I never would of thought such a thing as not dissolving after going through the stomach and intestines. I cannot be the only one having this type of problem. Makes one wonder about all the other medicines. Don't it?

Oh well, I just take one day at a time. Don't do much good to do anything else. You know when something as simple as a daily bowel movement enlightens you to question and learn somethun, maybe there's hope!    NAH!!!